About Us

Sage and Rebel is a metaphor for living an authentic life. 

Sage – a mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics who is renowned for profound wisdom.

Rebel – to resist or defy an authority or a generally accepted convention that does not resonate. To be authentic.

 We all are an evolving, multifaceted, delicate balance of both archetypes.
Running the brand are two lifelong best friends who are constantly inspired by the magic that is nature and philosophy. We aim to bring products to you that connect you to nature, encourage you to get out into nature, broaden your minds with our philosophy, and inspire you to find your inner Sage and Rebel.

After all, nature is the best example of what Sage and Rebel stands for. Time and time again we see nature show it's inner Sage when it knows it's time to let go, change seasons, and grow anew like a phoenix. We also see nature show it's inner Rebel with catastrophic natural events and its resilient stubborn way of growing anywhere it can amongst this concrete jungle humans have created on top of it. 

When in doubt, spend time in nature, you will find your answers there.